6 Steps to Take When Injured at Work

Workplace injuries happen more often than you might think. Depending on your industry, you could be at a higher risk of facing work-related injury, illness, or death. In 2020 alone, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 2.7 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses from private industry employers. So what do you need to do if you get injured at work? How do you receive compensation? How do you move forward? Keep reading for six steps to take if you get injured at work.

First, it’s important to know which types of injuries are common workplace injuries:

  • Spine injuries
  • Head and brain injuries
  • Electrocutions and burns
  • Broken bones
  • Toxic inhalation and exposure
  • Joint injuries
  • Repetitive use injuries

You should also know which types of compensation you are eligible to receive in the state of Georgia:

  • Medical expenses related to the workplace injury
  • Lost wages
  • Permanent disability

1. Report Your Injury to a Manager or Supervisor

The most important piece of workplace injury cases is notifying and reporting your injury as soon as possible, no matter the extent of your injury. Your manager or supervisor will have the correct paperwork and an accident report to fill out and file. Be sure to request a copy of the report to confirm that it accurately represents what happened.  Your manager or supervisor must then let you know the next steps for getting treatment. Many people are denied workers’ compensation if the injury was not reported promptly and properly.

If you have any safety concerns after sustaining the injury, be sure to speak to your manager.  Doing so can help prevent similar workplace accidents in the future.

2. Seek Medical Attention

After reporting your injury to your supervisor, you need to receive medical attention. Be sure to ask your supervisor if there is a Panel of Physicians posted at work.  If so, then you must see one of the doctors listed on the panel for treatment.  If there is no such panel, an attorney can help you find one to treat your specific injury.  When you see a doctor, tell them exactly what happened to cause this injury at work and list all your symptoms. Having this information in your medical record is extremely important when trying to receive workers’ compensation. Be sure to also track any expenses that you incur, including mileage and parking, so you can be reimbursed through workers’ compensation.

3. Gather Your Evidence

To receive workers’ compensation, you need to prove that the injury happened at work, and that you were not engaging in horseplay or doing something unrelated to your job duties. Make note of what happened to cause the accident as soon as you can since certain details could fade quickly from your memory. Your report of what happened should include:

  • Where the injury occurred
  • The date and time
  • What you were doing when the injury happened
  • Contact information for any witnesses

Also, try to get photos and videos of the injury taking place or the site where the injury occurred. All this information will assist in building your claim for workers’ compensation.

4. File Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

You will want to file your workers’ compensation claim as soon as you can after your accident. Deadlines vary from state to state for how much time you have after an injury to file a workers’ compensation claim. In the claim, you need to prove that your job activities significantly contributed to your injury.

If you’re concerned about filing a claim, a personal injury lawyer with workers’ compensation experience can assist you with filing a claim.

5. Track All of Your Injury-Related Expenses

Keeping track of your expenses is key to receiving the correct amount of workers’ compensation. Your expenses not only include medical costs that you have incurred because of the work-related injury, but also the days you have missed from work. This allows your lost wages to be calculated. Once you are out of work for seven days, you are eligible for lost wages. Also, if you have had to travel for medical attention, track your mileage for reimbursement for over 20 miles.

6. Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer that has experience with workers’ compensation cases can be of great value to you. An experienced lawyer will know how these cases operate, the laws & procedures in your state, and how to properly file claims. Having a strong personal lawyer on your side will help you in receiving the workers’ compensation you deserve.

If you have experienced a work-related injury, our personal injury attorneys at Glass & Robson are happy to help you. We are here to represent you and get the compensation you deserve so you can focus on your recovery. Schedule your consultation today!





